Wednesday, July 1, 2009

TRUE COLORS: my exhibit

Color is everywhere. Color can change our mood and inspire us. Color is an art, an expression, a beauty. Imagine our world as black and white...dull, isn't it? Look around you, what colors do you see? Have you ever seen the movie "Pleasantville"? ~ It is a richly-textured fantasy that dramatically plays out the clash of American values on a stage that gradually shifts from shades of black and white to vibrant colors.

True Colors is my photography exhibit title. It is to express my passion, to show what I have captured and to present the image as it is. I use natural light and weather to capture the mood and spirit of the mountains, the waters, villages, lighthouses, flora and fauna. Outdoor: my goal is to locate those timeless images and portray them in a way that encourages people to stop and appreciate the natural beauty. I like to shoot a variety of subjects that appeal to my "eye". Though I have something in mind, I don't fixate on it ~ I'm always open to whatever nature provides me, open to any possibilities. I prefer mix of weather and doesn't confine to the magical hour of sunrise and sunset but also shoots during the middle of the day and still try to be productive. Inspired by the sharpness and quality of light in Ansel Adam's black and white photos...line, texture, light, and composition becomes more important each day and each time I click the shutter in my camera.

Coming this Fall: TRUE COLORS 2009

[click the play button to see the movieclip Pleasantville and see what colors can do to the World.]

1 comment:

  1. hi chu,
    i have always known you're a passionate person. look where it brought you...and what it brings you...JOY. im so glad you are enjoying the joys of life.
    im in awe,


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