Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Shroud Of The Missions: the cross

"The Shroud Of The Missions" is a personal favorite this year. Though not a competition material, I BELIEVE this image has "something" on it ~ a different approach, a different perspective, a different concept...whatever it is, this image calls for attention.

The CROSS is not the church itself, it is the backyard door...Imagine yourself walking in a path surrounded by Eucalyptus trees. As you get closer to the door, you are walking under the wood-framed mosquito net. The net has a dual purpose: one as a shade from the sun and one to catch the fallen leaves. And just before you reach the door, you look up and "The Shroud Of The Missions" is what you see.

I am posting this blog today, July 11 to commemorate the birthday of my mom. How do I celebrate her? ~ just like the first time I looked up on the CROSS, I whisphered to God "She belongs to you now, please take care of her".

[click the image to enlarge, click the above title to play "Be Not Afraid, I Go Before You Always".]


  1. hi marichu,

    I'd like to add you to my list of links. I'd like to see more your works and your stories are really inspiring.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. anytime Pam. Hope when I visit Philippines we can get together. "Express Yourself" by photographing!


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