Friday, June 26, 2009

Yosemite Accident: Is life a joke?

If i have to remember all the good things in my life, my February 2008 Buckmeadows-Yosemite accident always kicks in. Irony?'ll know why later. Somewhere along the road, I believe that a companion Spirit is protecting us every step of the way.

Lessons from my Yosemite Accident:

  1. Never take Hwy120 in Wintertime esp. during Chinese New Year!
    It's safer to take hwy140 Mariposa - better drive, better view and that's where I can get free decorative rocks for my backyard project.
  2. Never trust a high mileage car (100,000+).
  3. Do not pollute the mountains, Mother Nature has its way to curse you back. [Uh uh...not me, it was somebody else].
  4. Make sure the accident site is accessible to landline phone. [Verizon: Can you hear me now?]
  5. If you see the white sky, it's the airbag that deflated...You're not in heaven yet Baby!
  6. Keep sane so you can salvage all your belongings. Otherwise, they'll be finder's keeper.
  7. Trust a stranger. Good Samaritan still exists!
  8. If your car is wrecked, it's OK as you'll get a new one (and a new car loan - oh boy that sucks!). All material things are replaceable. LIFE is not.
  9. Legalize your Will esp. if you're in the US.
  10. Enjoy and cherish LIFE, even though at times you want to give up. Living is important and everyday is a GIFT.

Is life a joke?...because I had planned to attend a photography class in the park but ended up photographing my own accident. It's inconceivable!

"I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely, miserable, racked with sorrows, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing." ~ Agatha Christie

[to view pictures of the accident, click the above title Lessons From My Yosemite Accident]

1 comment:

  1. I saw the accident photos you posted - looks like a pretty solid car, you are lucky - but how did it go off the road in the first place - i thought they have stability control etc just curious...


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